School Induction à´žà´™്ങളുà´Ÿെ à´•ോà´³േà´œിà´²െ ആദ്à´¯ à´¦ിവസം à´®ുതൽ à´•േà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ പദം. à´’à´Ÿുà´µിൽ à´† à´¦ിവസം വന്à´¨െà´¤്à´¤ി.à´žà´™്ങൾ 9 à´¤ിà´¯ോà´«ിà´²ിയന്à´®ാർ à´ªോà´•ാൻ à´’à´°ുà´™്à´™ുà´•à´¯ാà´£്.à´¯ാà´¤്à´° ഇന്à´¨് à´®ുതൽ ആരംà´ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ു. Today is December 12. Our college has assigned a five day Induction Programme to us.we are divided into several schools.we , the nine Theophilians got Navajeevan Bethany Vidhyalaya, Nalanchira. The day is filled with full of tensions , confusions and excitement.At sharp 8.00 am we reached at the school.By 8.15am we reported to the principal Dr Shahana Renjith .There we have an interaction session,a class observation session and a close communion session with the school premises. The whole day is a wonderful experience to me . Happy to share some glimpses that we have at the school.