MAR THEOPHILUS TRAINING COLLEGE, NALANCHIRA celebrates 74th Republic day. Our respected principal Dr K Y Benedict Sir hoisted our national flag at the college at 8 30 am.
Cognitive Map As part of the B ed curriculum, a Cognitive Map was prepared manually consisting each unit from Plus one and Plus two. Mapping in writing is an attempt of really handy techniques that help children to organise their thoughts early on in the writing process. Mapping is a more general term that includes strategies like mind mapping, listing, brainstorming and others too. There are various techniques that children can use like concept maps, flowcharts and lists of pros and cons. When new knowledge is integrated with and connected to existing knowledge that new knowledge is easier to understand and to remember. A professor’s job is to build scaffolding from existing knowledge on which to hang incoming new knowledge. Using a concept map is one way to build that scaffolding. A concept map is a visual representation of knowledge. The process enables one to organize and struct...
Second Phase of School Interships Weekly Report REPORT OF FIRST WEEK First week started from 12-06-2024 to 15-06-2024. DAY 1 (12-06-2024) Our second phase of School Interships starts at 12 th June 2024 at St Gorettti's Higher Secondary School, Nalanchira.Our divided us into different groups and send us to different schools.I got St Gorettti's Higher Secondary school, Nalanchira..We ,a group of 10 students from different departments are assigned here.Our leader is Renjitha R.J from Social Science and assistant leader is Priyanka P.S from Physical Science.Our other group members are Ancy B.R, Lekshmi Raj.R, Meera M.R, Bijimol,Shilpa Manikandan,Sruthykrishnan, Manjima and Abeesha. ...
Day 2 Mar Theophilus Training College has conducted a second day workshop in association with Indian Association of Life Skills Education (IALSE) Chennai.Sr.Nirmala Arul IBVM,Loretto Province,Kolkata was the resource person. Another workshop was conducted by Uma Joshi based on panchatantra stories
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