The most memorable and unforgettable day in my life.I don't know how to express my sincere thanks and love to all. Thanks to my mother,who has been the pillar of strength, and my father who helped me to achieve this honour, and my brother to support me. A very big and applauseable thanks to my teachers who helped me to achieve this honour. Thank you all... Ever ending love from my hearts ππ
Cognitive Map
Cognitive Map As part of the B ed curriculum, a Cognitive Map was prepared manually consisting each unit from Plus one and Plus two. Mapping in writing is an attempt of really handy techniques that help children to organise their thoughts early on in the writing process. Mapping is a more general term that includes strategies like mind mapping, listing, brainstorming and others too. There are various techniques that children can use like concept maps, flowcharts and lists of pros and cons. When new knowledge is integrated with and connected to existing knowledge that new knowledge is easier to understand and to remember. A professor’s job is to build scaffolding from existing knowledge on which to hang incoming new knowledge. Using a concept map is one way to build that scaffolding. A concept map is a visual representation of knowledge. The process enables one to organize and struct...
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