

As a part of our B Ed curriculum,a sociometry was conducted at St Mary's H.S .S Pattom during our school internship phase.It was conducted to the class of VII D.

A sociogram is a visual representation of the social relationships and interactions within a group of people. It typically uses symbols and lines to show connections, friendships, and other social dynamics. Sociograms are often used in sociology, psychology, and education to analyze and understand the social structure of a group or community.

The sociogram is often used by the classroom teachers, councilors or psychologists to study the interpersonal relationship of groups. In the research situation it is used to study the problem of learning, motivation, discipline and group dynamics.


A star is a student who is chosen by most of the students in the class.


A clique is a small group of a few students who choose one another.


An isolated is a student who is not chosen by any student.


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